History, Serendipity, and Neuropathic Pain: A Chat With Andrew Rice
Australian Pain Society Blog, 30 March 2022
Andrew Rice, MD FRCP, FRCA is a Professor of Pain Research at Imperial College and Honorary Consultant in Pain Medicine at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. He is a clinical academic active in translational research and clinical practice in the field of neuropathic pain. After completing his medical training at St. Mary’s Hospital School in 1982, Rice completed his research doctorate under the supervision of Professor Steve McMahon at St. Thomas’ Hospital Medical School (Sherrington School of Physiology) in 1991.
Rice is an international keynote speaker at the upcoming 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) of the Australian Pain Society, to be held in Hobart from April 10-13, 2022. In the lead-up to the ASM, Rice spoke with Lincoln Tracy, a research fellow from Monash University, Australia, about his path to working with neuropathic pain patients, the benefits of being part of research consortia, and his love of military history. Read more.